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S-SAD workshop
18-21 June

The Oeiras Training, Implementation and Dissemination (TID) Centre

         The Portuguese TID center in Oeiras is localized within the Macromolecular Crystallography (MX) laboratory of the "Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica e Biologica". The MX laboratory, coordinated by Maria Arménia Carrondo, includes three internal groups dedicated to Macromolecules with Industrial and Medical Application, Crystallographic Structure-Function Relationship and Membrane Proteins.

         As member of the PSB in Grenoble, the ITQB MX laboratory can profit from the PSB HTP facilities, as well as train students and post-docs in the fully automated data collection already installed in the ESRF beamlines available for the PSB. Furthermore in the last years ITQB MX laboratory has invested in the use of modern methods and instrumentations for protein production and structural determination. The presence of an in-house xray source allows direct crystals testing. Computational resources are up-to-date, and all the necessary hardware and software for structural determination is available. BIOXHIT seed money allowed the estabilishment of the TID center, which among other things offers the access to a Nano-Drop full spectrum UV/Vis spectrophotometer, which has proved very useful, particularly working with metalloproteins.